Claudia Wieser | Generations | Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts

Referencing the history of space and form through architecture, design, and imagery, Claudia Wieser considers the coexistence of abstraction and the physiological experience through her spatial installations. With a nod to Modernist geometric constructions inspired by the Bauhaus and influenced by spirituality within an artistic practice like artists Hilma af Klint, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paul Klee before her, Generations will encompass Wieser’s distinctive, multi-faceted practice. This will include hand-painted and patterned ceramics, carved wooden sculptures, tiled mirrored sculptures, fine colored pencil and gold leaf drawings, and large and small plinths that act as both sculptures for display and sculptures themselves. Collaged together from her vast archive, the combination of textures, surfaces, and spliced imagery allows the viewer to create new histories, and in turn, see themselves both within that history and adding to it.

Opening: March 19, 2020 from 6-8PM

Ongoing: March 19, 2020 to June 13, 2020
For more information, please see link to event.